Nu finns ESRS Sleep Medicine Textbook 2nd Ed. tillgänglig. Se nedan för information från ESRS. 
Sprid gärna till de som kan vara intresserade. För de som vill finns också förslag på text man kan lägga med om man vill dela information om boken på sociala medier.
To Whom It May Concern,
As a member of the ESRS ANSS, we share a common interest in promoting the Sleep Medicine Textbook 2nd Ed. as the gold standard for sleep medicine education in Europe and beyond.
In an effort to increase the awareness of the textbook and help us make an impact on social media, please post either of the suggested texts below and the corresponding attached image on your social media channels on Friday, 15-October 2021. We will be releasing a Sleep Science Friday (website) publication on that day on the chapter: Theories on the Functions of Sleep, along with social media posts. This post will give a high level summary of the aforementioned textbook chapter. If you cannot post on Friday, October 15, the link will be live from 10:00 CEST so please feel free to post next week as well.
Please also remember to tag us so we can support your posts and ensure we are following your accounts:
ESRS is an International Scientific Non-Profit Organization, which promotes information and knowledge share on Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine in Europe. By publishing the Journal of Sleep Research, organizing scientific meetings, conferences and webinars, offers trainings, education and sleep certifications. Also promotes fellowships, grants and awards, and jobs applications.


Twitter: @ESRS_Sleep
LinkedIn: @European Sleep Research Society
Version 1
Interested in learning more on #TheFunctionsOfSleep?
Here's a sneek peek into this fundamental chapter of the Sleep Medicine Textbook 2nd Ed. which dives into topics like #insomnia #daytimesleepiness #memory #plasticity and #energyhomeostasis
Version 2
We know that #sleep has many functions, but how much of it do you really know or understand? 
In the new Sleep Medicine Textbook 2nd Ed., there is an entire chapter dedicated to exploring #TheFunctionsOfSleep.
Please let us know that we can expect your participation in this campaign. Thanks!
Erica Schwebs
Digital Communications Manager
European Sleep Research Society
Günzstrasse 4, 39053 Regensburg, Germany
+49 157 852 80602


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