Nästa vecka 28/10 anordnas ett digitalt websymposium "The Dreaming Brain". Tider i text nedan ska vara justerade till svensk tid hälsar våra finska vänner som anordnar symposiet.



Websymposium "The Dreaming Brain"


Please save the date for the SleepWell Research Symposium: The Dreaming Brain
on Thursday November 4th, 2021 14:00-17:30 (CET)
Top experts from Finland, Switzerland, USA and Germany share their experiences from research on dreaming: its basic physiological mechanisms, relationship to emotional processing in humans and dream state in animals.
Link to the webinar is published on the website 28th October
Programme (CET):
Professor, Program Director Tiina Paunio:
Opening of the symposium
Professor Katja Valli
Dreaming: what, how and why?
Professor Sophie Schwartz
Emotional processing during sleep and dreaming
Doctor Francesca Siclari
Dreaming in healthy subjects and patients with sleep disorders
15.50 -16.00 Break
Professor Jerry Siegel
Do animals dream?
PhD Gianina Ungurean
REM sleep in animals


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